Many have called you

Hey Hearts 

Yes you with a gorgeous smile, an open heart and willingness to serve. I´m writing to you to say thank you, thank you for your service to humanity thank you for selfless serving how you always put others first, how you show up and stand in your truth as young womxn with a disability

Everyday I am taken by how you walk, how you talk and how you act, even on days your knees, your back & all your joints hurt you still stay true to the course. Even on days you are singled out because your disability you are not discouraged, with tears flowing you make them uncomfortable with your truth till they account. Not only duty bearers put also sisters/brothers/allies that refuse to operate from the heart centre of intersectional

All hail your beautiful heart your crutches have supported thousands and yet you still stand no word can even begin to describe nor emphasize emotions and feelings that come to mind when I think of you, your character, your being and your presence

Many have called you with despicable names, they have tried breaking your spirit but you stand unmoved, untethered, and ratted in your truth. 

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