listen to our body


Warmest Greetings!

Hope we are all well amidst a very difficult and challenging situation. This is the time where we gather ourselves and put pieces together to be whole again and gain more strength. There are times that our body and spirit will be weakned and exhausted but we should remember always to draw strength and inspiration from our families, friends, in the organisation and the people who we served and loved for so long.

One important lesson I learned is to listen to our body when we need to rest. I got ill last year, my half leg was paralysed, I cannot sit, stand or walk for two months. I also suffered from infection in my throat that I lost my voice for one year. In this difficult situation I realised how important to take care of our body and wellness to continue our work and perform well. I learned to pause and say No to certain things that will endanger my health and life. This is also the moment I think not only and the organisation but most specially my two young sons who need the love and care of their mother. 

With the danger and threats I am experiencing now, my ultimate goal every day is to be alive and go home safely to my family. I had reached the point of no returning back, the people who we served and their situation gives me always the inspiration to continue despite of this depressing/ exhausting situation and tuned it to a more resolved commitment to continue our work. 

The lessons I learned everyday and surviving in these trying times is also attributed to the collective effort of how we preserve our loves, our community and our strength to achieve our goal that one day our children will not live in this kind of oppressive exploitative and cruel world. 

We challenge ourselves to be better everyday as work hand in hand to prepare our much better future and our children’s future. 

In unity there is strength! And the people united will never be defeated! And love will keep us alive! He he he!

Sending all my love,


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